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    How to Kickstart Organic Website Traffic (Top 2 Hacks)

    Tell me if this sounds like you: your business has fantastic products and services but little to no organic website traffic. Your competitors have a monopoly on your keywords and phrases, siphoning off invaluable traffic to their websites.

    In short, your digital stage of online presence is small, too small. You want to shine – showcase your brand front and center at the top of the search engine results page.

    And, sure, your pay-per-click ads might be sales rockstars; however, this model might not prove fiscally sustainable. Heck, even if money isn’t an issue, you probably still want to attack on all fronts:

    • Targeted pay-per-click
    • Engaging social media posts
    • Snowballing organic website traffic driven by on-page SEO and compelling writing

    Dove Mountain Marketing can help you with all of the above. In addition, we want to get those creative juices churning so your organic traffic journey is as easy and rewarding as possible.

    Our team is comprised of former and current university educators with masters’ degrees in the field of Creative Writing and/or hold vast editorial experience. We’ve invested years into the craft of writing and want you to share in the fruits of our labor.

    We love providing best practice tips and tricks to accelerate your inbound traffic journey.

    This article will discuss two primary ways to boost your organic website traffic: blog posts and website page optimization (which both fall under the larger umbrella of utilizing keywords and phrases).

    So, let’s get started.


    Increase Organic/Inbound Website Traffic Via Educational Blog Posts

    Here’s the deal – boiled down, organic website traffic is all about implementing industry-relevant keywords and phrases that revolve around your products and services.

    Blog posts prove the perfect vehicle for keywords and phrases that are imperative to your industry, whether you work in foundation repair or underwater basket weaving.

    The big idea, obviously, is not to stuff a page loaded with keywords and phrases. Blog posts allow for topical and targeted keyword delivery that’s packaged in an educational framework.

    Think art. Think nuance.

    Imagine being able to educate your clients about your products, services, and brand with blog posts that also boost your organic website presence. It’s a win/win.


    Educational Benefits of Business Blogs 

    1. Blogs allow you to explain difficult and/or nuanced questions in regard to your products and services.

    For example, providing a step-by-step process of underpinning a home with push or helical piers to correct/protect against foundational settlement goes a long way to assuaging the fears of the unknown. The unknown is the root of fear and fear jam logs sales. Explain to gain customers.

    *Note – the example above is specific to a blogging titan in the foundation repair industry Dalinghaus Construction, Inc. Peruse through their blog to see a prime example of peak business blogging best practices and, heck, if you live in SoCal or AZ and need any type of foundation repair – they’re the team for the job.


    2. Blogs assert you as a trusted thought leader in your industry

    Keep the world up to date with developments in your field, best practices, and breakdown/simplify pertinent industry-speak into everyday language.


    3. Blogs are dynamite lead magnets

    By answering questions revolving around your industry, there’s a good change your organic traffic is looking for what you have to offer. Embed enticing CTAs in your blog posts and provide free email-gated downloadable PDFs that provide value. There’s your email list for you next drip campaign – you’re welcome.


    4. Blogs provide excellent internal training material

    Have a new hire you want to train quickly and efficiently without knowledge gaps? Utilize your blog posts to provide new employees with high-level to detailed product and services training.


    5. Blogs build trust 

    Anytime you can answer a question or provide a solution to a problem via your products and services – you build rapport with your reader. And, as my Uncle Walt always says, reputation is everything.


    6. Blogs can be utilized in the sale's process to create "safe" learning for introverts

    Sure, your sales team is absolutely excellent and could probably talk water out of being wet. But, for the introverts out there, it can be a lot to talk to a gregarious salesman. Blogs are self-paced and allow for bite-sized absorption of information – avoiding customer overwhelm.


    7. Blogs can help customers self-qualify or self-disqualify

    Let’s face it – not every lead is a perfect fit. Possible obstacles include price, backlogged service timeframes, and much more. Blog posts can help would be customers discover if they’re a “good fit” or “bad fit” for your products and services, ultimately saving your sales team time and money.


    8. Blogs are fun

    Embed photos, GIPHs, and video to keep your audience engaged and on the page. In short, blogs provide the perfect opportunity to educate your customers while building brand trust and rapport.



    Increase Organic Website Traffic Via Blog On-Page SEO


    • Blog posts allow you to harness the organic super-power of keywords and phrases to help you rank higher in search engine results pages

    The first page of Google is always the goal, aka prime digital real estate

    *Pro-tip - be sure to implement keywords/phrases into your headers: H1, H2, H3, and so on: this scream to Google from the rooftops, my blog is about x, y, or z – rank my higher please)


    • Blog posts are easily shared to social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and so on), increasing your digital reach


    • Blog content can be easily recycled to fuel your other organic marketing efforts

     Make a TikTok based off of a blog explaining the pros of a particular product/service, etc.

    *Pro-tip – recycling content saves your marketing team from banging their heads against the proverbial wall trying to concuss new content into being. Recycling content also gets out the same message through various mediums. Someone might not read a blog, but they’ll watch a video.


    • Blogs allow you to contribute to the global conversation

    Be sure to link out to credible outside sources – Google loves seeing that you’re connected to the world at large and will reward you for it. A good rule of thumb is to use one outside link for every 1,000 words.


    • Blogs build a personal and professional brand

    Remember to assign an author to every blog post and feel free to link to the author’s LinkedIn to ride the wave of Google’s E-A-T algorithm (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)


    • Blogs help you dominate the conversation revolving around the most important keywords and phrases in your industry

    Want to wipe the floor in terms of a highly coveted keyword or phrase?

    Write a topic-cluster (an on-page-SEO-targeted warhead group of articles revolving around the same keyword) hitting all aspects: definition, cost, pros/cons, product specs, and so on.


    3 Free Blogging Tips and Tricks:

    1. Use engaging meta descriptions to make your content pop-off the search-results page
    1. Immediately after publishing your blog, log into your Google Search Console account and submit the page for indexing
    1. Add alt-text to all of your optimized photos to boost SEO and vastly improve user experience for disabled readers (if it’s difficult for some of us to read – I should know, I have keratoconus and alt-text is a godsend).



    Increase Your Organic Website Traffic by Optimizing your Webpages

    Just like with blog posts, your website pages are the perfect vehicle for on-page SEO via heavy, deliberate use of keywords and phrases. The vast majority of the points above apply directly to website pages, but here are a few more things to consider when it comes to increasing organic website traffic and keeping readers on the page.

    Website Page Optimization Tips to Boost Organic Traffic:

    • Have a products and services page. Explain your wares in detail, not only explaining how your offerings help solve a problem for a customer or help them reach an aspirational identity, but plug those key keywords into H1 and H2 headers)
    • Plug in the relevant keywords into your headers and within your copy paragraphs. Rinse and repeat – again and forever and alw
    • Ensure your images are appropriately sized (100 kb for body images and 200 kb for Header 1 featured images).
    • Utilize enticing meta-descriptions that succinctly articulate what the webpage is about and, for bonus points, how this page helps them solve a problem/issue.
    • To keep your organic traffic from bouncing (immediately leaving your website), make sure it’s crystal clear what you company offers. I can’t tell you how many websites I’ve been on that have beautiful image carousels and cutely quippy one-liners, but I still have no idea what the hell they’re selling. Be. Clear.


    3 Free Website Page Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Organic Traffic on the Page:

    1. Ensure that your blog is in your menu button on all pages for easy access
    1. Utilize multiple CTAs down your home page (think buy now, or download this free PDF)
    2. It’s not about you. Seriously. Customer-centric copy is a bonafide strategy to success (more leads and customers), just ask Donald Miller and read his best-selling book Building a Story Brand.


    Blog Your Way to Success – More Organic Traffic, Leads, and Customers

    In this article, you learned the top 2 ways to gain and retain organic traffic to your website, whether that’s blogging your way to victory or optimizing your current website pages in terms of messaging and targeted keyword on-page SEO.

    Stay tuned and subscribe to our blog to discover more best practices for blogging, pay-per-click, and social media management. Your success is our story.

    If your wheels are churning and your creative juices are flowing, we suggest you start blogging immediately – do it yourself, hire a copywriter, or outsource your writing.

    The beauty of organic traffic is that it accumulates and can snowball into an avalanche of inbound success.

    If you feel a bit intimidated by blogging or simply don’t have the time (which is more likely), we’d love to blog for you. Our seasoned professional writers are here to help.

    We write. You shine.


    Click the link below to go to our pricing page. Choose a blogging package that fits your budget and vision -