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    Why Should I Hire a Marketing Agency? (Top 3 Reasons)

    Maybe you recently launched a new fledgling business or you’ve been in the game a long time, you’ve probably considered hiring a marketing agency. Even if you have a marketing team or department or do it all yourself (a one-man show) there can be great benefits to outsourcing help: a new perspective, fresh energy, and a receptive wall to bounce ideas off of. Think rejuvenation – a shock of creativity to jolt the system. 

    Dove Mountain Marketing understands when you’re dog-tired or your current marketing team is hitting its head against the proverbial wall due to exasperation. Leads are drying up. The latest pay-per-click campaign was a bust. No one has the time or energy to invest in search engine-optimized blogs or yet another drip campaign. 

    In this article, you will learn the top x reasons you should hire a marketing agency, from garnering a novel perspective, to access to technological or technical skills you don’t currently have on your team. 



    1. Your Current Marketing Plan Isn’t Working

    This might seem like a no-brainer, but the truth is we are all susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy. You’ve already invested hundreds of man-hours and a good chunk of change, why give up now? The seeds have been planted, it’s time for the damn thing to grow. Unfortunately, not all of our marketing endeavors pan out – c’est la vie

    Warning signs your current marketing plan just isn’t working: 

    • Your leads are drying up (the lead magnet is inefficient, hell, might even be driving customers away from your website) 

    • You’re fielding a stampede of unqualified leads (there is a flood of biblical proportions of "bad fits" eating up your time and energy)

    • Your campaigns are beginning to feel repetitive and lackluster (think boring email campaigns, dry social media posts, and unengaging or unclear CTAs – all telltale signs of a burnt-out, uninspired marketing team) 

    • You’re not hitting your KPIs (numbers don’t lie: impressions, clicks, revenue. The data simply isn’t reflecting your projections or vision. You dread going over analytics and putting together traffic reports)

    • Everything is fine, but you can do better (hell, maybe your current plan is banging out home runs, but there’s a small quiet ache in your gut telling you we can do better)

    Now, the key here is not to assign some sort of blame or throw anyone under the bus. When plans go awry it’s easy to get heated, but boiling blood solves nothing. This is the time to take a deep breath, take a step back, assess where it’s going wrong and determine how to best move forward.

    This is why many marketing companies take extensive inventory before onboarding a new client, combing through data, processes, current strategy, and the like. A high-level view is necessary before zeroing in on adjusting the metrics that can prove the quickest ROI. 

    When shit hits the fan, do your utmost to avoid playing the blame game. Granted, there is a place to take stock and responsibility. Accountability makes the world go ‘round, but shaming someone for a plan truly implemented in earnest and good faith is demoralizing. No need to lose team members to friendly fire. 

    Here at Dove Mountain Marketing, we believe in empowerment through encouragement. Most train derailments are not intentional. The odds are much higher a particular team member is more of a “bad fit” than a “bad egg.” Get the right butts in the right seats.

    If your current marketing plan isn’t working and it’s not traced back to user error, then the plan itself is sour. Below are 5 common pitfalls where strategy gets jammed up.   

    5 Ways Marketing Strategies Go Wrong: 

    1. Wrong target audience - you’re not quite hitting the right demographic from the free-throw line. 

    2. Wrong lead magnet for the right target audienceproduct and service is right – delivery is off: Gen Z prefers Insta to email. 

    3. Wrong medium for your message - should that long, drawn-out TikTok actually be a blog post? 

    4. Unclear, fuzzy messaging - you’re not spelling out what you’re selling (products & services) or how your wares help solve a problem or create an aspirational identity.

    5. Little-to-no follow-up or it’s inefficient - you’re not following up with an email, text, or call or providing educational content (i.e., blog posts) to loop them back in.  

    Marketing agencies might suggest a slight course correction or an intense revamp = either way, don’t get talked into a plan you don’t jive with or believe you will regret later. We at Dove Mountain trust your gut and want to capitalize on what you’re doing well. 

    In short, you might hire a marketing company to help you right the ship and breathe new life into your marketing team via a new optimized strategy.


    The Big Idea Behind Blogging (Cover)


    2. Your Marketing Team is Exhausted and Requires Reinforcements 

    Vince Lombardi said it best, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Frustration and fatigue are extreme moral killers. Bringing on fresh reinforcements can help lighten the load for your current marketing division and provide some much-needed breathing room.  

    Here at Dove Mountain, we love coming alongside your team and infusing them with a double shot of espresso. We believe in them. We believe in you. Here’s the game plan we decided to run – let’s do this. 

    Marketing agencies empower and refresh your team by: 

    • Providing new, fresh, novel insight that turns things on their head and shakes it up (not in a disorienting or anxiety-inducing way)  

    • Reinforcing best practices

    • Celebrating what your team is already doing well and capitalizing on it (if it works, double and triple down) 

    • Taking on some of the workload or executing a task that requires a niche skillset (more on this later)

    Oftentimes a fresh set of eyes and extra pair of hands can be the difference between a successful marketing campaign or crash-and-burn faux pas. Even a short respite followed up with simple black-and-white actionable items can kick a once tired team into high gear.  



    3. You Require Expertise and Specialized Knowledge 

    Few things in life prove more frustrating than being tasked with a responsibility you were not originally hired to do or is out of your wheelhouse.   

    You can’t just sit employee x down and proclaim, “Guess what? You’re our social media guru now. So, study up on TikTok and Instagram. We want reels. Dance monkey dance.” That’s a great way to kill morale or lose people left and right.    

    There are niche areas of digital marketing that do require special skillsets or a baseline level of competency: 

    • Blogging (on-page SEO and keyword/phrase implementation)
    • Pay-Per-Click (avatar creation, engaging copy, etc.) 
    • Social Media (photography/videography skills, staying on top of trends, etc.) 
    • Signage (billboards, etc.)
    • Web Development (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, etc.)   

    While you might be fortunate and have an all-star team, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, things they enjoy doing or don’t enjoy doing. And, everyone is bound by a finite amount of time. Hiring a marketing agency can help you cover talent gaps or allocate time to other marketing endeavors.


    What Dove Mountain Marketing Can Do for You 

    In this article, you learned the top 3 reasons to outsource your marketing endeavors: your current strategies are falling flat on their face, your marketing team requires mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and you want highly skilled talent to complete nuanced tasks.

    Hiring a marketing agency can also save you time and money. It can take hours to train or onboard a new employee. Some marketing agencies train content managers, for example, to be your in-house content creator/copywriter. A con of this is you’re essentially paying two salaries: one for your new hire and another (often hefty fee) to the training agency.

    The problem is, after your content manager is trained, they can skip town and move on. And, you’re out a big investment, having to start over from scratch. 

    I know this because I was once a content manager who did the same. A company hired me, paid another company to train me for over a year, and then I bounced. More money is more money after all. I moved on to a company where I trained content managers – the irony.   

    When you hire a marketing agency – you get what you pay for.

    Dove Mountain Marketing can assist you with: 

    • On-page SEO (blogging/webpages) 
    • Pay-per-click Campaigns 
    • Social Media Consultations 

    Click the button below to go to our pricing page where you can pick from marketing services at various price tiers that fit your budget and your vision –